When you are planning to avail the best cloud-based web hosting, definitely Cloudways Hosting may come at the top of the list. With a minimum of $10-12 a month, Cloudways web hosting provides the best performance.
Cloudways hosting platform gives us fast, easy and well-managed hosting. It is available at affordable prices for all. Cloudways hosting comes with layers of security and amazing performance which is essential for all servers and websites. Cloudways hosting is sure a great choice for business.
Even for exceptional experiences, this Cloudways hosting review may help you to pick the best within your budget.
Table of Contents
Cloudways Hosting Review: Why Cloudways Ideal?
Here in this Cloudways hosting review, I am trying to focus on why it is ideal? Here are some important features that may help you a lot.
- Saves money
- Site speed-up
- Fast and advanced High Frequency
- Less CPU usage
- Easy and free Migration
- Awesome customer support
- Many hosting providers
- Better security
- Backup
- Vertical Scaling
- Not contract bound
- Data centres
- Easy site staging
- Cache
- PHP support
- MySQL and MariaDB
- E-commerce friendly
- Cloudways hosting Bot
- Free SSL
- Unlimited application hosting.
1 . Saves Money:
In Siteground ( 2CPU +4GB RAM ) hosting costs $80 /month and (6CPU + 8GB RAM) hosting costs $180 per month along with CPU overuse. Cloudways on the other hand costs $42 per month (2 CPU + 4GB RAM).
It saves a lot of money on this deal and even more on higher packages. DigitalOcean of Cloudways has no CPU issues. Cloudways not only have yearly contracts but also monthly packages. It even comes with a plan of $10 per month.
2. Site speed up:
Page loading is super fast with Cloudways hosting. Cloudways can host a site with long and huge posts (various images and videos) within 2 minutes. The advanced hosting technology of Cloudways boosts maximum site speed. Apache, Ngnix, Redis, Memcache and Varnish help Cloudways to host your sites quickly and smoothly.
3. Fast and Advanced High Frequency:
The new Vulture High-Frequency servers of Cloudways are more efficient and faster than its popular Digital Ocean. The Cloudways Vulture hosting page offers many suitable plans for all kinds of people at affordable prices.
4. Less CPU usage :
Cloudways cuts down CPU usage and runs your site smoothly. In SiteGround even with lightweight plug-ins, Astra, optimized images, disabled heartbeat third-party scripts and blocking bad bots, your site can still get high CPU over-usage.
Cloudways cuts down the CPU usage to 7% compared to other hosting platforms.
5. Easy and Free Migration:
Cloudways hosting offers free Migration of your site with no errors and downtimes. You can easily migrate your site with a couple of clicks on their free migration page.
For a free Migration request we just have to follow the following steps:
- After signing up on the Cloudways Hosting platform, you have to set up a Cloudways server
- Select Application
- Then, Application Migration
- fill up the required details on the application migration request
Though you need to have technical knowledge for migration, you can always do the migration yourself using Cloudways WordPress Migrator Plugin. Cloudways also provides video instructions for your help.
6. Awesome customer support :
Another purpose of this Cloudwys review is that Cloudways hosting platform has upgraded and got much better support. Cloudways customer service is super active and helpful. The community manager at Cloudways, Mr Muhammed Moeez is easily reachable. He loves to answer the questions from customers and help them all the time. A 24×7 live chat support is also available in Cloudways hosting platform.
The customer support team of Cloudways responds to your queries real quick.
There is a knowledge base section in the Cloudways hosting platform for frequently asked queries. The knowledge base is divided into 3 parts –
- Getting started
- Server Management
- Application Management

7. Many Hosting providers :
In this Cloudways hosting review, I’ll also cover the most essential hosting providers. Here are the top 5 cloud hosting providers of Cloudways web hosting.
- Amazon
- Digital Ocean
- Google cloud
- Linode
- Vultr
Cloudways makes it clear about each cloud hosting provider plan in its site
Amazon has the largest customer base. It is one of the most popular hosting providers.
Amazon has a trustworthy infrastructure
Scaling up and scaling down the process in Amazon hosting provider works within 5 minutes
It is an amazingly fast hosting provider of Cloudways.
Snapshot backups are available in this hosting provider
If the server stops, only the disk usage is charged from the users
Amazon is present in various locations –
- U.S.A ( Northern Virginia, Northern California, Northern Oregon)
- Europe ( Ireland )
- Euro Asia Pacific ( Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Mumbai )
- South America ( São Paulo, Montreal)
Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean is the most popular cloud provider.
It is the least costly.
Digital Ocean is the most user-friendly hosting provider.
It is new, fast and easy.
Restoring a backup is a little slower.
Scaling up and the scaling down process (with downtime) is slower than Amazon and Google.
Even if the server stops, charges for the whole server are taken from the user.
Bandwidth cost is low.
Digital Ocean is present in many locations across the world like
- The USA ( New York, San Francisco)
- Canada ( Toronto)
- Europe ( London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt)
- Asia ( Singapore, Bangalore)
Google cloud is very useful for users of big servers.
Google cloud is cheap and easily available for the users
Google has updated with new features
It is a 100% reliable cloud provider
The scaling up and scaling down process is usually under 5 minutes.
Google cloud has the costliest bandwidth
Users have to pay only the disk usage charges if the server stops.
Google Cloud Hosting provider is present in various countries in the world like
- The U.S.A ( Lowa, South Carolina, North Virginia, Oregon)
- Europe ( London)
- Asia Pacific ( Taiwan, Tokyo, Sydney, Singapore )
Linode is affordable for the users.
Linode is popular among the users of the mid-range servers.
Restoring backup processes is slower than Amazon.
Bandwidth cost is low.
The users have to pay the whole server cost even if the server stops.
Scaling up and the scaling down process involves downtime. It is usually under 10 minutes.
Linode is available in various places across the country
- The U.S.A ( East, South, Central, West)
- Europe ( Frankfurt, London )
- Asia ( Singapore, Tokyo )
Vultr is a good hosting provider for the users of small servers.
Vultr is cheap.
The bandwidth is also cheap.
The scaling up and scaling down process takes less than 10 minutes
If the server stops, the user has to give the charge to the whole server.
Vultr is present in the following locations
- The U.S.A ( Seattle, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Chicago)
- Europe ( London, Amsterdam Frankfurt, Paris)
- Asia- Pacific ( Tokyo, Sydney )
8. Better Security :
Why do you need to pick Cloudways hosting? This web hosting platform provides additional application security to protect your online business from fraud and various alien threats. Different layers of security for application and site are available at Cloudways Hosting.
9. Backups :
Cloudways hosting platform offers easy and quick backup features to keep your website safe. You can have server backup or application backup features both. You can even set a timer scheduled with frequency for backup. You have the option of local backup. You can download it later via SSH or SFTP

10. Vertical Scaling :
If you have high traffic in your area, Cloudways can upgrade your hosting plan ( CPU , RAM, and storage ) very easily with just some clicks.
11. Not contract bound :
Cloudways hosting platform allows you to leave the hosting platform any time you wish. Cloudways have no contract or fixed payment policy. The users can choose from the many monthly packages of Cloudways according to their needs and expenses. A 3-day free trial is also available on Cloudways hosting platform for users to try out Cloudways and its features.
12. Datacenters :
Cloudways hosting platform is available in various countries of the world to give the users better service. There are 25 global centres around the world. Before you choose your hosting provider plan, you can take a look at their location centres:
- Digital Ocean: 8 centres
- Linode: 8 centres
- Vultr: 15 centres
- Vultr High Frequency: 16 centres
- AWS: 14 data centres
- Google cloud: 14 data centres
13. Easy site staging :
Cloudways lets you try, test,keep or cancel as per your choice
Cloudways hosting helps the users to try out new features on their site and make changes to the site in a staging environment. You can later turn it into a real site after testing your heart’s content. Cloudways hosting makes it easy for you to choose and decide.
14. Cache:
Cloudways hosting has in-built Varnish and Memcache ( combined) which help run your website smoothly and super fast. Cloudways also partners with Apache, Ngnix, Redis and MySQL or MariaDB databases to speed up your website with no CPU issues.
15. PHP support :
Cloudways hosting supports PHP, and CMS like WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, Magento and various others. All these are an added bonus to using Cloudway’s hosting platform.
16. MySQL and MariaDB :
Cloudways hosting helps you switch between the MYSQL and MariaDB databases very easily. You never have to take any fuss. You can always have what you want.
17. E-Commerce friendly :
Cloudways hosting gives you a large number of E-Commerce features that help a lot in your business. The fast, secure website hosting on Cloudways lets you concentrate on your business without any worries. Your site loads faster, switching between pages is quicker.
In a way, Cloudways hosting helps you sell your products in a snap. At present Cloudways hosts over 10,000 e-commerce sites that you can use to sell your goods and services online. Main points of Cloudways hosting :
- Superfast page loading ( within 2 seconds). Memcache, Apache, Ngnix, Redis and Varnish help Cloudways by giving your site this great performance.
- Cloudways offer unlimited storage, amazing security, and quick and easy backup and restore facilities with 24×7 customer support.
Among the many popular e-commerce sites here are the two most popular sites by Cloudways –
Magento :
You can install Magento in one click in Cloudways. No need for outer sources. The Cloudways hosts Magento at high speed. No worries, no fuss. Multi SSL deployment with in-built SSL and Git environments is an amazing feature of Cloudways. Free Migration services for your e-commerce platform are available at Cloudways.
Woo commerce :
Cloudways supports another e-commerce store Woo-commerce. Cloudways went ahead and took measures for Woo-commerce to make their installation very easy and smooth. One-click installation and free Migration services are an add-on bonus in Cloudways. Cloudways’ Woo-commerce hosting plan includes WP- CLI and the server scaling with one click. It gives your business extra resources.
18. Cloudways hosting Bot :
A.I Cloudways bot gives you instant notifications and details about your site. You can connect Cloudways Bot with Slack and Email to get news about the servers and apps.
19. Free SSL :
SSL is free with Cloudways. You can activate it by going to SSL management. It makes your site more secure
20. Unlimited application Hosting :
One in all service.
One Cloudways hosting can host many applications. When the traffic is higher, Cloudways send you alerts. You can upgrade your server anytime you want to get better and faster site service.
Cloudways and Extra benefits
- Easy DNS Service :
For up-gradation, Cloudways take $50 per month and you will have to worry about anything else.
- Super easy website cloning:
Cloning website is easy and smooth with the following steps-
Application > three dots > clone app/creating staging website
- You can scale a server as per your wish and time for more resources and storage
- Full control and access:
You have control over access to your website or application. You can change the Permission settings anytime you wish.
Read more: WP Engine Review: Unbiased Pros & Cons
Cons of CLOUDWAYS Hosting:
- Though full free migration of your site is available in Cloudways, you may still need technical assistance to set it up. ( They provide video instructions on their page for set up)
The first site migration is free (or the first few sites in some cases) but later a $25 dollar charge is taken for more site Migration.
- Cloudways support no direct email hosting. A Rackspace account is needed. (Prices – $1/e-mail/ month) . For transactional email, easy set up with Elastic email is provided
Summary :
Here in this Cloudways hosting review, I am trying to cover the important features of this managed WordPress web hosting. This is an effective and well-managed hosting platform. It looks after security patches, hardware management and performance unlike other shared cloud hosting providers like GoDaddy, Blue host, Hostinger, HostGator etc.
Cloudways offers managed cloud hosting to make customers worry-free and relaxed. Cloudways is a reliable fast and smooth hosting platform with better server response time. Cloudways is affordable and efficient with over 500 reviews and 4.5⭐.
Cloudways even ranks #1 in many Facebook polls. Comparing all the pros and cons of CLOUDWAYS HOSTING, I will personally like to give them a gem of stars for their amazing performance in cloud hosting.
How to Start your journey with Cloudways :
- Go to Cloudways
- Sign up with your details
Use promocode ( WPLogout) for discount
- After verification, go to Cloudways and select your application server
- Give a name to your application
- Give a name to your server
- Choose the Cloud provider as per your choice ( Digital Ocean, AWS, Google Cloud, Linode, Vultr)
- Select your server size
- Select your server location
- Click on launch now
And Cloudways hosting platform is ready to host your website.
About Cloudways:
Cloudways hosting was founded by Uzair Gadit and Aaqib Gadit in the year 2009. Cloudways have their headquarters on the island of Malta, Europe. Cloudways has offices around the world. Cloudways is popular in 43 different countries. Cloudways has been able to launch over 12,000 servers and 26,000 web apps and all its users sing songs in praise of Cloudways.